Home to Stay Minneapolis Lays Out Plan for Strong Rent Stabilization Policy!

Minneapolis renters, landlords and faith leaders with the Home to Stay coalition spoke out on December 20th calling for action from the incoming Minneapolis City Council on passing a strong rent stabilization policy. 

"We need a strong policy that allows us to have resources for our families and protection, protections for our health and food on the table. We are living through a housing crisis. When will be the best moment to have the opportunity to live well?" said Vanessa del Campo (translated by Jennifer Arnold), a member of the Sky Without Limits Cooperative

At the press conference, the Home to Stay Minneapolis coalition, which represents thousands of renters, workers, and faith leaders across the city, announced our priorities for a strong rent stabilization policy that would effectively keep Minneapolis families in our homes: 

  • An annual 3 percent cap on rent increases, with considerations for inflation

  • Inclusion of all renters in the policy

  • Protection for long-term renters by prohibiting ‘vacancy decontrol’

The coalition also called for rent stabilization protections to protect all Minneapolis renters, no matter what kind of building we live in. As a majority renter city, Minneapolis families of all backgrounds—and especially families of color—are feeling the pressure of rising rent costs. A strong rent stabilization policy must include all renters, no matter if we live in a single family home or apartment highrise.

You can watch the full press conference here: https://www.facebook.com/inquilinxsunidxs/videos/910439659834822/